
160 Game Reviews

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This game is interesting, but I must say, as with most games, this would be better if you could also use WASD to move, I found it uncomfortable and hard to play.

I got the war hero medal, the contestant metal, and the pianist metal. I have no life.

Sure it functions, I can give you that. For a starting game, it's actually really good, the only problem with this is that well, you move a little bit too fast. Another problem, unless it was intentional, is that the color scheme hurts my eyes and makes it hard to play for a long time without my eyes hurting. This caused my highest score to only be thirty-two.

Again, for a starter submission, it's really good, honestly. I didn't experience any FPS problems and I'm on a laptop. Anyways, as I was saying, it's a rather good job for a starter, I'd recommend changing the colors and reuploading to make it more enjoyable.

It was okay but it was almost a DIRECT copy of that alter ego game, you pretty much stole many of the scenes from it, while some content was a little original.

This game is fun, the only thing is that the lack of medals that show pictures of elephants when they are all unlocked sort of dimmed the atmosphere of the game.

Good and addicting game, here is a tip:

To accumulate money fast buy the temperature control and rapidly drag the bar up and down, you're welcome.

Cool. Informative

SoupSquad responds:


Okay, nice concept, but you can barely DO anything. I got bored in about five minutes, it's a well made game but there should be more to do.

This game did not take any effort, it is obviously microsoft paint and the coding must've taken you an hour at most, I mean, this needs way more effort, better graphics, the only thing this game has going for it is an interesting concept, but not interesting enough to deserve a star.

I'm sorry, I don't have any personal vendetta and this honestly could turn into a better game in the future if you do decide to retry to make a game like this, which I hope you do, I think you could make great flash games.

StemPlay responds:

Took me about 5 hours, and was drawn in flash; not MS paint.

The game was fun but Colosseum is spelled wrong with bugs me a lot for some reason. The lack of story was a little dissappointing but other than that good job.

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