
160 Game Reviews

29 w/ Responses

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This is one of the best games I've ever played here on Newgrounds.

One of my favorite things about this game is that it appeals to all playing styles. For example, in the beginning of the game, I stuck to using the Shotgun for everything, had it fully upgraded, and it was fun. Then I fully upgraded the Sniper Rifle, and noticed that it was just as much fun, but in a different way. I think that adds replay value and makes it fun for all types of players.

I also like how the different zombies actually feel different when you're fighting them. They don't just feel like they are the same character with a different skin, they each have their own style for fighting them. For example, to be successful you really have to fight the zombies who throw explosives and the ones who just use guns in a very different way. It's not that it's more important to take one on over the other, but they must be fought with a different methodology.

The graphics are beautiful and fit with everything else in the game quite nicely.

This game is simply great.

This touched my heart. Which is very very hard to do.

The fact some people can down vote a charity effort for a catastrophe that killed thousands is disgusting and makes me embarrassed to be human.

My heart goes out to those affected by this tragedy.

An amazing game that is very addictive. I have thus far spent over seven hours playing it, it's just that good.

Honestly, when I first saw this game my thought was "Uhh...ANOTHER avoid game?"

Luckily I continued past that and had a very enjoyable experience. This is a great game in every sense of the word.

I love the sound effects, and I could spend a long time just turning up some music and playing this game. It's honestly so great that I lost my track of time while playing it.

Soup squad for lyfe, m8.

High quality game. The team did quite a great job on this. I can't really say anything that other reviewers haven't already been said, but I'd like to point out that in the level editor I sometimes experience a bug where the screen goes completely black forcing a restart.

0.5 stars off for the bugs, but this is a great game.

Amazing controls, amazing story, superb voice acting. Besides the glitches, there is not a single bad thing about this game. I spent an ungodly amount of hours playing this when I should have been sleeping.

Great work!

I loved it, it was a great game with a deep message, and a simple premise. What more could you ask for?

Don't make this game, the questions lack wit, the impossible quiz had wit and thus appeal, this made no sense.

adamtuts responds:

That's the point.

I hate how people on this site take things so seriously. It's a parody game which is meant to be shit.

The original duck hunt was more sophisticated than this with it's old technology. You can't submit this and expect to be taken seriously.

Okay what? When you switch to your side arm your hand is unproportionally small.

This actually could be good if it had a background. Maybe some improved graphics, and some more options, however as it stands i'd only give it a 2/10 because while the concept isn't original you clearly show potential.

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