
160 Game Reviews

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Great game

I loved it but there are some draw backas as mentioned such as the sniper needing guiding and high repair costs.
A major draw back for me was reloading was MUCH too slow.

@giygas64 Did you ever think of using proper grammar and spelling?

It brings tears of joy to my eyes...

To see there are people who care about the japanese people.
Lets all hope that they are safe.
And regarding their nuclear power plant lets hope things get under control in that regard too.

This game brings back memories

One time my dad bought an old arcade game and I was so addicted to it, this game reminded me of that. The music is awesome, the gameplay is amazing and the concept is outstanding!
10/10 5/5
It was also diffucult which made it a challenge so it kept me occupied longer.
Great work, amazing game

Aww soo cute!

Let me thouroughly review this, my head almost exploded from the cuteness.
Too add the gameplay was addictive and simple. The outfits were adorable,
and the ending left me wanting more.
Btw isnt this the third one because there was the honey moon one?
Anyway this is amazing and the cuteness was so amazing.

It has a bug I think

For some reason the groun disappeared randomly, anyone else have this problem> Average game though, its pretty good

r-macdonald responds:

Are you using the latest flash player version?
Also, what browser are you using? And are you on a PC or Mac?

This is not fun

It doesnt have anything and its offensive, you just moe the mouse, it doesnt matter which gun you choose either.
Plus there reeally isnt anty action or first person shooter. I cant even say this is good at all. It has nothing it needs to be fun

Awesome game, addicting

My score is 5558.
It wasnt to hard at all until that

Ok but idea is sort of stolen

This game is almost exactly like Draw play, but its good that it has some original gameplay to it, but not much

Great and addicting

My score was 165,326 and I got to level 6
Great job and the game is really addicting

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