"Without a revolutionary theory there cannot be a revolutionary movement." - Vladimir Lenin

Age 25, Male



Massachusetts, USA

Joined on 12/29/10

Exp Points:
5,036 / 5,380
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6.36 votes
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Suprememessage's News

Posted by Suprememessage - June 15th, 2014

I'm in the middle of a few horror stories I'm writing. I take inspiration from authors like H.P. Lovecraft, focusing a lot of my plots on the unknown and what horrors may lay therein. However, I also do horror in other stories. If you find yourself enjoying, for example, my contribution to the 2013 Halloween Collab, you will most likely enjoy what I have in store.

Stick around and be sure to check them out when they're released. You can't really lose anything by giving them a read, anyway.

Several of them draw aspects from my true personal experiences, as well, so that should turn out unique. 

I hope that you guys will leave some reviews for my work once it is uploaded, so I can bring you the best content possible.


In addition, I've become a fan of the band Crossfade. I thought I'd bring it up, but it's not important enough for it's own newspost.

On another sidenote, I wonder if I'm still infamously stupid or not. Please let me know below.


Posted by Suprememessage - April 22nd, 2014

It has been quite some time, hasn't it? 

I can't believe it's been a bit over three years since I signed up. A lot's different now than it was. It took me a while to find and remove the stick I apparently had in my ass, but I think I've loosened up. 

Now the question on my mind is: Where do I go from here?


Well I'm very glad that you asked, strange voice in my head, because I have no fucking clue what to do. The downside of being on Newgrounds for a while is that I don't have the illusion I used to that there is a lot to do/accomplish here. I don't have any flash talent, so that's out of the question. I don't have enough cool points to become popular, and I'm certainly not a music-making professional.

I guess I'll lurk around some and post my stupid opinions just like I used to. Hooray for that, I guess. 

The main point of this update is just really so I have something recent here to let you know that I haven't died horribly somehow. 




Posted by Suprememessage - July 22nd, 2013

Besides a few stray posts out of boredom, I had taken a hiatus from Newgrounds.

Now I'm fully back.

I know you didn't miss me, but for the sake of my ego, I'll pretend you did.


Posted by Suprememessage - December 17th, 2012

Just a general news post. If you want to chat with me, comment below or shoot me a PM.
I'd be willing to talk about anything, so if you wish to talk, remember, I don't bite.

So I guess I'll rant about myself first of all,
I'm a gamer, writer, and most recently, due to me purchasing FL Studio, a musician. I generally make Electronic/Techno music. I am a huge fan of Halo, as well as Oblivion. I can be a fun loving guy but sometimes it's depressing to talk to me. I can be a bit of a drama queen sometimes, the best approach when I am like this is to ignore me, generally I'll calm down after a few minutes. I am your average nerd in most ways, and am proud to admit it.

So I'm just going to keep this particular news post up for a while, a few months or so maybe.

So I've been back into writing short stories again, I'll probably get a few of those posted up here at my nearest convenience, if you're a supporter of me and my writing, you can look forward to that. If you are a nay-sayer then you can look forward to picking on me. Generally I wouldn't endorse picking on me but it seems like there is no way around people doing that.

Personally I've been listening to this song quite a lot recently:

/* */
Here the English lyrics of that song:
I burn without end.. Demons spare me.. Racing, I fear the eye.. I freeze, my heart turns to stone.. My life is broken, Thrown away and lost.. You shine darker than night. You are older than night. You are invisible. You have no face.. And now you have been hiding gauntly since the beginning of time; Black Sun. You penetrate and numb the mind, you illuminate my mind.. You Tempt and you Steal.. You are cold and your glow died long ago.. And you have warmed my mentally since the beginning of time.. Black Sun. Ever desirous to follow the smell of blood wildly.. In the course of Hell.. Ever desirous to follow the smell of blood.. Is Cerberus! You appear in my dream, you caress my black heart.. You contribute to the light of the life tree, you free me from pain.. And you have actually been frightening me for all of time.. Black Sun. You fly faster than light, You are everything at the same time.. You are not mother or father and not the Kingdom of Heaven.. are kept here in the underworld.. But without you I am nothing for all of time.. They burn.. Black Sun.. with the hunger for flesh.. Ever desirous to follow the smell of blood wildly.. In the course of Hell.. Ever desirous to follow the smell of blood.. Is Cerberus! I burn without end.. Demons spare me.. Racing, I fear the eye.. The Carnivore, the Cerberus are kept there in the underworld.. They burn with hunger for flesh.. Ever desirous to follow the smell of blood wildly.. In the course of Hell.. Ever desirous to follow the smell of blood.. Is Cerberus! Ever desirous to follow the smell of blood wildly.. In the course of Hell.. Ever desirous to follow the smell of blood.. Is Cerberus

Also I've been replaying Area 51, you should try it too, it's a great game and now the PC version is Freeware!
If you love shooters then you'll love this game. It has fun multiplayer but pretty much no servers run anymore except ones in Spanish. I'd still recommend trying out the singleplayer, I'm going to upload a playthrough on my official youtube channel at a later date, and I will link to it below once it's complete.
I mean it's a pretty old game but the graphics still aren't too bad, and it has some pretty amazingly done CGI cutscenes.

In other news, the 29th of December marked me officially being an NGer for two years. Time really does fly, don't let anyone tell you it doesn't.

I'd say generally people on here are pretty nice to me, I guess. (By Newgrounds standards, of course)

Nowadays I occupy my time by playing shooter and RP games as well as using five different forums (not including the one here on Newgrounds)

General News post


Posted by Suprememessage - October 25th, 2012

Bananas are an interesting topic.


Posted by Suprememessage - October 6th, 2012

http://www.youtube.com/user/SuprememessageNG?fea ture=mhee

This channel already has a few videos. If you like slap stick humor you should check out my Half life 2 Speech remixes.


Posted by Suprememessage - September 22nd, 2012

Newgrounds, while at first it seems crude. It actually has a very well organised social structure with "tiers". I use that term loosely since as far as reputation and behavior goes, some people have their own class entirely.

This guide is meant to help you understand some of the inner workings of the forums.

If you take the red pill, and continue reading, I will show you just how far the Newgrounds system goes, if you take the blue pill, you will click the back button or go to a different page and continue being clueless.

So let's get started:

The forums
Part 1, social tiers

I am going to list some of the common social tiers among Newgrounds' forum.

The regular:

This person has their own well defined personality, because they post regularly and in such a large quantity that you can almost guess what they'll say about a thread before even reading their actual post.

Notable examples, Expressing the largest and lowest classes of this tier:

-Me (Suprememessage) I am the lowest regular in regards to the class itself. Low regulars are common, they usuallly include people with 3000-12000 posts. They are regulars, sure, but they can go unnoticed if they so choose I am close to
the highest spectrum of the scale of posts from 3000-12000, almost having 10000 posts, yet I am not very well known. I remain in the shadows. While users like Asandir, a past regular, manage to be well defined and easily recognisable.

You can see the difference between the high and low ends of the spectrum based on when you think of users on the top of your head, do you think of them? If so they are probably on the high end of being a regular.

-Gagsy (The highest regular in this regard, she posts very often and has over 30000 posts, some users have more than that but they don't use it as regularly anymore)

The provoker:

Intentionally makes posts to cause mental distress for other users. Rarely, if ever, will they contribute anything to a thread that hasn't been said or that shouldn't be said.

They are usually also higher end regulars.

Notable examples:


The Insiders:

The ones who always know what to say, and are so incredibly good at conveying what they are trying to say, that they can sound smart even if they have no idea what they're talking about.

Notable examples:

The clueless:

These are people who are blatant liars in regards to themselves, they usually make posts that are of high quantity and low quality. If you immediately see someone's posts and think "Oh not this shit again." they are probably a member of the clueless.

Notable examples:
-Fluttershy, the most clueless of the entire group. Seems to make creating shitty threads a daily action

-Most if not all people with a sonic reference in their name

-Most if not all people with memes for their sigs or avatars

-Psuedophilosophers like Insanctuary

The Beserkers:

These people are time bombs just ticking away, one jab or insult and a full fury back lash will definately ensue. I'd rather not list examples for fear of them lashing out at me in comments. Usually you can tell a beserker apart by violent themes in their name or sig and swearing excessively. I mean a lot, pretty much every other word type of thing.

Butthurt faggots: the butthurt faggots who get all pissy about nothing like when Skaren says something and then they have to quote him and get all up on his cock about nothing
Notable examples:

The Crews:

The crews, aww yes, the refer not to a class of members but to a group of members. The crews are all dedicated to a certain thing, and in most cases, a common personality trait also binds them together. They are many in number and have a lot to do with the way NG is run.

Notable Examples:

Clockcrew (I couldn't make this list if I didn't include them)

Soup Sqaud

Cult of Skaren

The Dr Pepper crew

The good moderators:

Yes, the good moderators, the classic nice guy or gal, who does their part to help NG but does it fairly. They do their job and they do it well. They have a positive public image.They are many and number and I cannot possibly list them all so let me just list a few popular ones:


The OTHER good moderators

These moderators do their jobs efficiently, and while they do their jobs very well, they may be targeted by unexperienced users who don't realise that if they're banned they probably deserved it. These are moderators who while they may not have the best public image, they deserve to have a good public image:




Notable examples:


Part 2: The unwritten rules

-You must, ALWAYS, use the best grammar and spelling possible. If you make one or two mistakes it's okay. But if you replace "you" with "u" or "why" with "y" you are going to piss most, if not ALL users who see it off. I know the first thing I do when I see someone use grammar and spelling of that low quality is ignore them. I don't even read past the mistake.

This is because if you use that type of grammar and spelling, you probably didn't think put any effort into your idea either.

-DO not complain about moderators' personality

If you do this you will probably face a deleted/locked thread and ridicule for doing something so immature. As most users, like myself, would automatically assume you only say this because of a personal vendetta against them such as if they banned you.


This speaks for itself, it is, by far, the most important guideline on this list, not only is it the essential thing, it prevents you from getting frustrated due to bans. Not only do you need to read them, you need to follow them, some regulars haven't even gotten this into their head after years of being here.

-No obsession/theming/gimmicks

Do not, ever, theme your posts. For example, if you are a fan of My Little Pony, if you say "everypony" or such everyone will want you to stop posting. Everyone. Even nice users will pretty much not stand for it. Do not, ever, make gimmick posts. There is a place and time for fanservices and Newgrounds' forums are neither the place or the time for them. Do not make references to the same topic/idea in every post you make, you'll be surprised (or not) how immature that will make you appear. Do not make your posts using some words that no one except fans of a specific thing will understand.

-Do not copy and paste articles from other sites

More often than not Newgrounds will mess up the formatting and will have symbols and numbers in the middle of your text.
If you absolutely MUST use this source in it's exact wording. Please just link to it. Save the rest of users the eye sore.

-In threads where you must mention another user don't complain if no one mentions you.

No one wants to hear you whine when no one mentions you as their favorite user or whatever. If no one mentions you there is probably a reason for it.

I hope this guide has helped new users and older users hoping to improve.

Lastly, here is a public service announcement for all new users, it is spoken by my good friend and colleague doctor Wallace Breen.

/* */


Posted by Suprememessage - September 18th, 2012

Curly is not seeing any visitors..ever


Posted by Suprememessage - September 16th, 2012

I have some more fractals coming your way, including White Aura which I already uploaded. So stay tuned and check back for updates.


Posted by Suprememessage - September 14th, 2012

I played it and it is awesome. It is over a thousand times better than I expected it to be.

I am so excited, gonna play Black mesa source