"Without a revolutionary theory there cannot be a revolutionary movement." - Vladimir Lenin

Age 25, Male



Massachusetts, USA

Joined on 12/29/10

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5,036 / 5,380
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6.36 votes
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Suprememessage's News

Posted by Suprememessage - August 27th, 2011

The rain started just now, its part of Irene. My stove runs on electricity, so If i lose power no cooking. So does the pump. so no power, no water. And so does the lights, and I only own one flash light. So does the charger that charges the laptop I'm using, so short communication with you, and maybe not at all if I lose internet.

In other news, Timesplitters is the best FPS ever. And I am a brony now.


Posted by Suprememessage - August 26th, 2011

I invented a miracle, it is called a window, where is my prize?


Posted by Suprememessage - August 25th, 2011

Let storms come at me, let a hurricane come at me, I still have those who DO care about me in the end.


Posted by Suprememessage - August 25th, 2011

I'm right in it's path, well, it was nice knowing you guys.

p.s., If Canas reads this, I said I was sympathetic, god, for the love of... get off my back, Okay?


Posted by Suprememessage - August 25th, 2011

You and me had a good long run, before Canas got hacked, I had a bronze whislte, and used it to help improve Newgrounds, I'm sure that is done, and the damage is permanant, atleast to my whistle. So now, I am useless, or atleast not as useful as I was before, and I am indeed very sad, and sorry I can't help the review mods anymore.


Posted by Suprememessage - August 24th, 2011

In other news, check out this pic I got while ghost hunting in a graveyard, it appears there is something in this pic leaning against the gravestone. I circled it in red.

I'm learning to speak German...


Posted by Suprememessage - August 23rd, 2011

not really, I got REALLY drunk and pissed A LOT of people off, so lets just say I'm sorry, and the hang over is still making my head hurt, that is it, I'm done throwing mid night parties with lots of alchohol involved. Sorry to:

And anyone else my intoxication harmed.


Posted by Suprememessage - August 22nd, 2011

"I am a heron. I have a long neck and I pick fish out of the water with my beak. If you don't repost this comment on 10 other pages, I will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans". - Heron

Heron is most commonly reffered to as...Edit
"The destroyer of worlds."

"The unmaker of worlds."

"The disruptor of pots and pans."




Heron is the most powerful creature in creation; he is said to have abilities beyond comprehension. There is no way to stop Heron, as he is immortal. Every entity ever created in the world that has challenged Heron has been exterminated.

Heron Factual information. Edit
Feel free to add any information you have of the beast...
"Heron caused all the deaths in the Steinman Woods scenario."
"Heron was phone."

"Heron drowned Ben."

"Slenderman fears Heron."

"This is the great pyramid of Heron."

"Squidward's suicide was caused by Heron."

"Heron looked at smile.jpg. It is now frown.jpg."

"Heron caused suicidemouse.avi to hang himself."

"Heron has no reflection; there is only one true Heron."

"There is no survival, only a beak as it pecks your eyes out."

"They say the end of the world will begin when Heron raises his left leg."

"Heron executed barelybreathing.exe. The results were the file being corrupted."

"Heron found 'The Grifter'. He thinks there wasn't enough disturbing material in the film".

"Heron often does rituals associated with demonic forces, and he answers questions wrong for fun."

"Make any attempt at changing and/or correcting Heron's true story and they will never find you."

"Heron is allowed to say Candle-jack as much as he wishes, for it is Candle-jack who is afraid of Heron."

"Heron is the leading cause of death among American females between the ages of 18 and 23."

"Anyone who is to edit this article distastefully will experience the full incomprehensible power of Heron."

"Zalgo took Heron out on a date once and refused to pay so Heron ate Zalgo's testes. HE no longer COMES."

"Heron is Herobrine."

He's so evil that he will take your mother to a sea food dinner, have fun, take her home, kiss her on the cheek and never call her back. He has no fucking heart.

"He will mess up your pots and pans...."

"He let Chuck Norris live..."

"He's climbin' in yo windows, he's snatchin' yo people up..."

Whoops. forgot pic, here is an allegedpic of the beast

Here is some fan mail form Zag.

"God you're an ass, why don't you fuck off and die?"
"Your such a douchebag"

And I saved the best for last!

"go fuck yourself douchebag.
Rev is just a moron.
I hope someone rapes you and you get AIDS"

See, zag is one of my most loyal fans apparantly.

Sevkat must also really like me cuz he keeps making alts to get around me blocking him.

Heron, exceprt from Creepypasta wiki and my fan mail!


Posted by Suprememessage - August 16th, 2011

First, I would like to start by thanking Asandir for the Dark Cloud 2 sig, Monica kicks ass.

Anyways, as you all know, I am always thinking, well I found out something that could help prevent heart attacks!
What if I made something you drink every day, and like alchohol, instead of digesting it goes into your blood stream, and this drink will over time break down the material that clogs your arteries.

What do you guys think?

Also, here is a list of users I like, a lot. If I forgot you just mention yourself, I'll add you, in no particular order:

Ect... the list goes on.

Also, the Snow Snow for Lucy DVD AsmathicHamster was sending me arrived today!

My new alt is Unlimitedzeros, I will use him if I must, but I'm not keeping it a secret he is my alt.

Anyways, happy week days!

My new Sig, a new idea, my first NG item, my new alt, and a new list of users...


Posted by Suprememessage - August 16th, 2011

I'm having tacos later, what about you NG?