I'm being serious now. Sometimes life really gets to me, and I feel like I'm 'this' close to breaking out in violence towards other people. It feels like every day my fuse is getting shorter and shorter and soon enough it may run out. What should I do to avoid hurting myself or others?
For clarification purposes, nobody is in immediate danger.
It's just that, my life has been bullshit from the start. My father abandoning me, my Diabetes, lack of social skills. It's grating me and mix that with the rejection of a loved one and I think that I'm close to snapping and doing something I'd regret. I need to find some way to stop myself from doing something like that.
I'm seeing a new psychologist and they lowered my dose of anti-depressant, which has caused this problem to worsen severely. I told them but they claim I'm simply addicted to the pills and that I don't need them, and they refuse to bring my dose back up. I feel like I'm going fucking nuts here.
I've been sleeping for long periods of time but not feeling rested. I have thick bags under my eyes currently, and I'm just snapping at even the slightest provocation.
I really don't know what to do.
Breathe. If you're in the heat of the moment, stop what you're doing or about to do, sit down and breathe in and breathe out.
Here's a visual breathing exercise you can follow in order to calm yourself down, take your mind off something or relieve stress. Extremely recommend it if you're stretched pretty thin about everything, it's an exercise I do whenever I'm feeling like that too. Maybe drink some water, watch an episode of something, go for a run, focus on something productive that you enjoy doing, keep your mind healthy and going in positive ways.
I hope this was helpful!