And how are you all. I would like to start off with a rant.
So we all know about the bills that are ridiculous, that have been in the U.S. recently, and now with ACTA, are affecting the UK too. What I think is that these people, who make these laws, somewhat know nothing about what they are doing. Here is my logic, as we saw with SOPA before it was dropped, the monetary input from major companies ALONE brought it to have many supporters in congress on both sides. And I would assume the same would happen in Britian, since ACTA is also very obscure.
So, on the flip side, we all know that these government powers are trying to do something, but here's more logic why they don't know what they're doing. (At least for the U.S. case) since everyone knows that when someone has power, they won't give it up easily, thus the Congressmen must realize that even if primary votes (ones for the president) don't get directly affected by the people,votes for the congressmen themselves do. Meaning that if they make the people unhappy, they won't get re-elected. In short, they don't know what the hell they're doing. This is of course, until the people gave them the obvious solution, in the forms of millions of protesters, targeting sites in US territory that BREAK EXISTING laws instead of making new ones that censor things.
In short, they don't know what they're doing.
Somehow, I'm wondering if you read the content of the post or not.